Some Serious Music

by Brian Dickie, General Director of Chicago Opera Theatre
Our friend Andreas Waldburg-Wolfegg runs a wonderful little concert series - Lake Shore Chamber Music.  This evening he put on a splendid and important recital.  Music of the New Century: American Music for the Flute.
The wonderful Catherine Ramirez - an astonishing artist, and Kuang-Hao Huang played.  And the program included the first performance of a new work commissioned by Andreas from Daniel Kellogg (left) called Into Utter Forever. Daniel was there and introduced the piece with charming modesty.  We also had Toru Takemitsu's Voice and a remarkable piece by Laura Elise Schwendinger called Rapture - an excellent and appropriate title.  The world needs more of this kind of event - absolutely top class music making pushing the boundaries.  Bravo!
By the way Kuang-Hao Huang is joining the piano faculty at the Chicago College of the Performing Arts in September - an excellent acquisition indeed.
We have a final run through of Abduction tomorrow afternoon before starting rehearsals in the Harris on Monday.  Watch this space for news tomorrow night!
